Thursday, May 25, 2006

Monday, 22 May - Sarah getting her first chemotherapy at the oncologist's office. The first of her three drugs is red (adriamycin) so you can really see the moment it enters her body via the medi-port implanted in her chest. She was surprisingly calm - we were told that many people are very worried during their first chemo and must be lightly sedated to "take the edge off." Her smile is a bit deceiving - fatigue and nausea set in after two days and she's just starting to feel a tiny bit better at the end of Thursday, 25 May. In her own words, "at least we know it's doing something!"

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Sarah got a haircut to ease into the "no hair" mode in steps. She starts chemotherapy on 5/22 and after two weeks will likely start losing hair and transitioning over to hats and scarves for a while. We like the new haircut!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A day of bad news

May 11th - no picture for this one. Sarah was diagnosed with breast cancer after a biopsy we thought wasn't even necessary. We were both shocked and have been working through the preparations for Sarah's treatment over the past week...
In an instant, our life turned upside down and our priorities radically changed.

I spent a weekend adding this swingset to our existing playtower. Long days, but the kids love it. You can see Ben giving the monkey bars a try.