Tuesday, July 25, 2006

25 July - Post Surgery

Well, it's done... Sarah's mastectomy went according to plan and she's recovering fine. Wow, what a trooper this woman is! Despite her smile in this pic, Sarah's pretty exhausted and it looks like she's likely to spend a second night in the hospital. Her blood pressure got back to normal by morning, but her red blood cell count is still pretty low (guess you lose a fair amount of blood in this type of surgery). Overall, I think Sarah is relieved to have this step behind her and in fairly good spirits. No post-anesthesia nausea, which was also a big relief! :) I spent last night with Sarah in the hospital (yes, managed to sleep in the visitor's chair) and will try to spend the night there again today if she doesn't get a room mate.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear the surgery went as planned. I'm sure you're all exhausted!

TnC said...

So glad to hear that it went well!