Wednesday, February 23, 2011

22 Feb - Winter Campout

Indian guides winter campout survived. :) It was a very eventful weekend. The boys and I had a good time despite the lack of snow. There were activities like the rock climbing you see here and other stuff. They didn't sleep much, but we're all caught up now. Ben did karate before we left for the campout and afterwards we did swimming and dinner with friends back in Chicago - time was packed pretty tight!
21 Feb - two months. I did ok on the day - thought of Sarah a lot; even more than I do every day. Lots of moments/waves. It usually hits me more when I return home from somewhere and realize that I'm not returning to her. I finished reading "Catcher In The Rye" (for the first time) which Sarah said was her favorite book - she read it five times. Felt like I was connecting with her in reading it, but I wish we could talk about it, too.

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