Sunday, April 10, 2011

9 April - Together

I've been wearing Sarah's wedding band on my necklace since she died and it has been comforting to have something so significant be close to my heart and with me all the time. Now I've decided to move my own wedding band to be together with hers. It was a difficult thing to do after having this ring on my finger for so long, but at the same time I felt on some level that keeping it there now was like wishing that things could be as they were rather than accepting the present and being 100% there for Ben & Sam and others in my life today. As hard as it is sometimes, what now feels the most comforting and right is to steer away from that ungrantable wish but still hold my love and memory of Sarah in mind and heart. Memories of us together, just like the rings are now.
The other picture above is of our pink tulips just poking their way through the soil. What a special gift from our friends it was to plant these in our garden. Sarah and I enjoyed seeing them come up last year, and at the time I knew they might mean something different to me one day - and now they do. They remind me of many shared challenges but also shared joys - they remind me of her, and of us together. It feels good to remember, even though it hurts too. I'd much rather have both than neither...
The third pic is of Ben, Sam and me at the zoo today. Through vacations and outings like this, the three of us are learning to have fun together as a family again. Although Sarah is always on my mind, there are plenty of lighter moments and laughter with the boys now. Ben and Sam are doing well. We talk openly about mommy not being with us whenever it strikes the boys and I think that has helped them stay on a healthy emotional path.


Elizabeth B. said...

One step at a time.......looks like you all had a good weekend......and some great weather. I miss you all and hope to see you at Eastertime.

Unknown said...

It must have been hard for you to take off your wedding ring, but I love the idea of the two rings together on your necklace. I am glad you and the boys are getting out and having some fun. It must not always be easy to do that, but it is important that you keep doing it. I think about you guys all the time and continue to pray for you. Sometime soon, we would love to get together with you and the boys!
Anne Peters

Me and My Thoughts said...

You are doing amazingly well. I'm proud of you for taking off your wedding band. That had to be a hard choice to make. The two rings together is fitting and a beautiful idea.

Sounds like you and the boys are getting back into the spring mode and making the most of nice weather. Hugs!

Michaela (mom2nicklasandbrenna)

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of you wearing both of your rings together, what a great idea, close to your heart. Your strength amazes me as always, Cate

Anonymous said...

Seeing the tulips in your front yard start to pop up makes me smile. Having Sarah join us for the bulb planting is so fresh in my mind...her smile and gentle spirit from that morning stays with me. ~Tracy