Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Labor Day at Home

Well, we had a relaxing Labor Day weekend! Stayed at home mostly (I worked around the house). For some reason we ended up catching up with quite a few people: Sarah's friend Nicole visited & stayed with us Friday, and we got to see college friends PJ and Sharon + boyfriend David on Sunday. Sarah's college friend Susana from Dallas also called, whom she hadn't talked to in some time. As for me, I traded emails with some old classmates from Germany - my 20 year highschool reunion took place last Saturday in Nuernberg, Germany. I was there in spirit even though it just wasn't practical to fly over in person with all that's been going on.
Sarah's feeling fairly well. Radiation treatments continue and today (Tuesday) she got her weekly Herceptin dose again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that the treatments are going well and that you can enjoy some family time. You are still in our prayers though!