Sunday, October 01, 2006

1 Oct - Nice Weekend

It was a really busy week for us with me traveling to New York Tues & Wed and my parents leaving on Friday. We went to a Disney on Ice performance of Monsters Inc. on Saturday with the Kurbats and the kids loved it, although at first Sam was a bit freaked out - here's a pic of some of the monsters. Pretty well-done show with great costumes.
Elizabeth also came for a visit today on her way to Wisconsin. The kids were thrilled to see her (as were we) - they've been pretty spoiled with attention over the past two weeks!
Sarah is doing well. Skin is pretty burned, but she says not very painful. Six more radiation treatments to go! Looks like she can do them in the next five days by doubling one up at the end. I think she's really ready to be done with that & we hope it is effective in preventing a local re-occurence at her mastectomy site. After this, the plan is to do Herceptin, Tamoxifen and Zometa unless test future tests show a need for additional treatments. These three drugs should have fairly minor side effects compared with what has gone before. There's really no way to know how effective the radiation was or how well the Herc/Tamox/Zom will work except to hope future CAT scans keep showing no new activity. We're in a relatively good place with this for now, but we continue to be thankful for every day we can spend with each other. Life is too unpredictable to be taken for granted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going well. My kids would love the Monster's Inc show -- I'll have to check it out if it comes to KC.