Friday, April 27, 2007

The Surprise Wedding

We had a great trip to New Orleans this past week. Sarah's brother Thomas and fiance Kerry surprised quite a few people by turning their engagement party in to a wedding! (He tipped us off early in order to make sure we would come) In the last pic you can see Elizabeth's surprise as Kerry's father reveals the news to everyone.
We're back in the routine here in Chicago - Sarah got another Taxotere treatment today and also went back to the ENT to make sure her nose bleeds stay in control. Her headaches receded as soon as she started taking the steroids again (Decadron)... Sarah's onc. allowed her to reduce the dosage so hopefully it'll dial back her reactions/side-effects from that.
The boys had a great weekend with my parents, who are headed home tomorrow after being here for the past week.


blogauthor said...

OMG, how totally awesome is THAT?!?! Wow. Congrats to them. WOW. That really is cool.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.