Friday, July 27, 2007

26 July - Update

High time for another update! Sarah got another Gemzar treatment today. Unfortunately, she got very nauseated after the last one despite trying all available anti-nausea drugs and this time it is happening again. She's pretty miserable and is probably going to ask to go back to Abraxane - we'll see how this week goes.
But, there is some good news: Sarah got her tumor marker results today and they are way down & within normal levels! So, the Gemzar is likely helping. We won't know for sure until the next MRI which is not yet scheduled, but this was a big relief (except for the nausea part).
It's good that we do have a young nanny (Grace) coming twice a week to help out. She can watch the kids while Sarah gets treatment and when I work from home on Fridays I can keep an ear out so Sarah can rest and get through the worst of it.
Ben and Sam are doing well. Summer classes are starting to taper out & we're headed in to the lull before school starts again. We're going to try and plan a family get-away. Jury is still out on where we'll go.


Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hear this good news!
Jennifer and Jeff

SuperSusy said...

That is great news. I am glad you will be able to get away.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear about the tumor markers. Sorry Sarah is feeling so bad. Would be so nice to find something that works with fewer side effects. Take care! Sharon

Anonymous said...

That's great you have a nanny 2 days a week, but goodness gracious how do you manage the other 3? I'm sure it is exhausting keeping up with the boys, but I imagine a labor of love, too. I wish I lived nearby and could help. Have fun on your getaway!