Sarah and I went to get the results of her MRI earlier today and it was about what we expected after seeing those tumor marker results: her cancer has advanced and we need to start a new treatment. On the positive side the smaller liver lesions have not gotten bigger, but on the not-good side the largest one has tripled in size in the last three months and is now 4.4cm wide. So, Gemzar is out and Sarah will start something new. We're going to firm up the treatment plan with the doc on Thursday but it looks like a heavy dose of Taxol + Carboplatin every three weeks will be the next step. Back to hair loss, nausea and possibly neuropathy in extremities. Also, Sarah will begin taking Zolodex again to ensure that her estrogen levels are low (estrogen makes her cancer grow faster) and she'll continue taking Herceptin and Zometa.
Since we were expecting something like this, it seems to have softened the blow of this bad news a bit. But, we also know that the relatively "quiet" and stable period over the past 6 months will come to an end when Sarah begins this more intense chemo treatment next Monday. Sarah is determined to do whatever it takes to fight her cancer and we will continue to be focused on living today while staying hopeful for the future.
I am saddened to hear this news and that Sarah has to undergo harsher chemo. She is so strong, I continue to be awed. I hope this next therapy works better than anyone could imagine. the pictures are wonderful, looks like the boys had a great christmas. The snow is so picturesque. My xmas was nice; the whole family came to my parents. My nieces are really cute. I decided to paint my house, and even though it is mostly brick, it's turning out to be a much bigger project than I expected and is wearing me out. But the new color looks good.
You remain in my thoughts and do not hestitate to ask if you need or want anything. Love - Sharon
Good luck to Sarah. We are thinking of you all. As Sharon said, please let us know if we can do anything. I'd love to come up for a weekend and cook a few dishes for you to put in the freezer, clean, and squeeze in a visit, too! (Kent can hang out at home with all the kids!) I'd love to see how much Ben has changed and meet Sam.
We continue to think of you and your family and put our prayers to work. Stay strong!
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