Saturday, November 22, 2008

20 Nov - Some Good News

Here's a new family picture that we had to take for one of Sam's pre-school projects that came out nice. Also, you can see Sam as an indian when he had a pow wow at school.

Now for the good news! Sarah just got a PET scan and the results came back showing no new metastases and notably no liver lesions. Those SIR spheres really did the trick and we're so glad we kept fighting to get the insurance approval instead of going the easier route and getting the chemo-embolization done. The scan did show numerous bone mets in her spine but those have been there since the beginning and are categorized as "sclerotic" lesions, which means they are growing slowly enough that the bone has time to regrow at the boundaries of the spots. That, together with Sarah's very low tumor markers, puts us in a pretty good place right now and Sarah is really enjoying not being on constant chemotherapy.

We also went to Houston for homecoming and Sarah's 15yr college reunion. After catching up with old friends, Sarah went up to Dallas to greet Nicole at the finish line of the 3-day Walk For Breast Cancer. Thank you so much to all who have given generously in sponsoring Nicole's walk -- she has raised almost $6,000!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the good news. And don't your boys look so much older lately, especially Ben?

Anonymous said...

Great news on the lack of liver mets!! Hope to see you all sometime soon!
Jennifer Jeff and Erica

Anonymous said...

so glad to hear the good news. David and I are actually heading out today for Egypt turkey and jordan. our big news is we got engaged! No date or agreed approach for a wedding, but I do have a beautiful ring. Have a wonderful xmas! - Sharon