Saturday, April 18, 2009

18 April - Neurosurgeon Meeting Went Ok

Sarah had a brain MRI to check on her pituitary and we went to discuss the results with our Neurosurgeon this past week. Although we were worried that he would push for surgery to remove the growth there, it was a relief to hear that he wanted to wait and get another MRI in six months. The size did not increase as much as we initially thought because the radiologist included the pituitary itself in the measurement this time, and the doctor said the growth was not significantly "enhanced" in the scan. Based on this and that we've gone a year with relatively little change, he feels it is very unlikely to be a breast cancer met. So, even though we aren't sure what it is, it's not pushing on anything and Sarah has no symptoms -- we're comfortable (and relieved) to go with a wait-n-see approach for now.
Easter at our house was nice and fairly low-key. Everyone had fun and the Easter bunny was generous to all. I sang in the church choir for the first time and I'll continue doing that from now on as time permits.

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