Monday, June 15, 2009

14 June - Day 4 of 2nd Chemo Round

Sarah got her 2nd round of Carboplatin chemo last Thursday and it seems to be going like last time. She is doing relatively ok overall, but definitely has some fatigue and queasiness. No sign of hair loss, so the jury's still out on that. She should start feeling better over the next day or two. But, this is going to be a different "week 2" than the last round of chemo: her surgeon and oncologist agree that her gall bladder should be removed, so that is scheduled for this coming Thursday (laproscopic procedure). There's a good chance that her liver function tests are staying high-out-of-range due to the gall bladder issue and she continues to have problems with it. She is being very conservative with her eating in order to hopefully prevent another gall bladder attack - but she feels like she's walking on egg shells and it could happen again regardless of being cautious. It will be a relief for her to have the gall bladder procedure - we hope the attacks will stop and her liver numbers we come down so we can open up more chemo treatment options (although the carboplatin may be working well - we won't know until we have some test results on that front).

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