Saturday, October 10, 2009

10 Oct - Update

The latest set of tumor markers were just a little under the previous set of numbers, so although the CAT scan showed no significant activity anywhere, we know there's some systemic tumor activity and Sarah needs to continue with her treatment. Since it is not recommended to have more than six rounds of the heavy 3-week doses of Taxotere, Sarah will get one more after next week and then switch to either Xeloda or something else. One option may be a new approach of alternating chemo and hormonal treatment. We're going to discuss it with her onc in two weeks after he attends a breast cancer conference where data supporting the approach will be presented.
But, before Sarah's next and last round of Taxotere, she's scheduled to finally get that stent removed from her bile duct next Thursday. We're not sure if another will be placed, or if the duct will no longer be pinched off by the lymph node tumor that was causing the problem before, in which case of course she won't need another one placed. We're hoping for the latter, and also hoping that she doesn't wake up again during the procedure! Sarah dreads that more than anything else about getting the stent procedure. Other than that, it's a day-surgery type setup where you can go home later the same afternoon.

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