Friday, April 23, 2010

22 Apr - No Chemo This Week

Sarah got some more blood test results back and her liver seems to be performing even better than before, but she still is really short of breath and lacks energy. And her tumor markers have actually gone up quite a bit (CEA of 250 / CA27.29 of 370) and are at a new high. The doc was worried she might have a blood clot in her lungs so we did an immediate CT angiogram today, but thankfully there were no clots (and no tumors) and it looks like she has pneumonia. So she started on antibiotics which will hopefully clear that up and get her feeling better. Since tumor markers are up, her onc wants to switch her chemo to Abraxane, which she's had good results with in the past - and it's ok to take now that her liver numbers are good. Since Taxol clearly isn't holding back her disease but does stress her body, she's taking a week off before starting on Abraxane next Thurs. We'll also get a PET scan of Sarah's upper body to see where the tumor activity is that is driving her markers up.
We're hoping now that Sarah will soon feel a little better after the antibiotics start helping. But some very key scans are are coming up next week...

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