Tuesday, September 28, 2010

28 Sept Update

Sarah didn't get chemo last Thursday which is what we were planning, but her white blood cell count was low anyway so it wasn't an option. She's gaining strength physically but her bilirubin is up to 2.8 and her neuropathy is pretty bad despite taking a few chemo breaks. Sarah can't feel much in her hands and feet and that's one of a few things making her more anxious about how things are trending. The doc gave her some Adavan to take as needed to smooth things out when the anxiety gets too hard to ignore and that has helped.
On the flip side, Sarah has been walking up and down the stairs on her own more often to build strength and even walked down the street with a friend today while holding on to the wheel-chair for support. She hasn't been able to do that for a while, so I consider that a real victory! The plan is to get Abraxane one more week if possible and then talk to her doc next Thursday about what other chemos we could try that don't have nerve damage as a side effect.

1 comment:

Scott B. said...

Still thinking about you and keeping your family in our prayers.