Friday, October 29, 2010

28 Oct Update

Here's a video of Sam at his 1st grade music program, singing a song called Witches Brew. Ben's doing well, too. He's continuing with karate and also busy with many school projects. 4th grade is really ramping up on homework and at-home projects!
Sarah got an 80% Abraxane dose again yesterday and her neuropathy has held fairly steady (maybe just a little worse). She also got tumor marker results yesterday - her CA27-29 and CEA were both around 250. That's a bit high for CEA but not for 27-29. Basically, it's not a lot lower but also not a lot higher than they were before, which didn't surprise us since she's only intermittently been able to get treatment. Overall, we see it as good news and indication that we're holding ground despite the challenges with C.Diff.
Sarah continues to build energy and maybe some strength, too. She's driving more and walking short distances. Hasn't used the wheel chair in the last two weeks. :)


Anonymous said...

Very glad to hear things are steady/slightly improving for Sarah, and the boys are doing well. hope things continue to improve. I'm in my first week at work, trying to figure out the working mom thing, david is stay at home dad. happy halloween! Sharon

Elizabeth B. said...

Cute video of Sam and happy to hear Sarah is stronger :). Happy Halloween! Love to you all.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the video! What a great job he did, though I can't believe how grown up he looked. I'm glad to hear that Sarah is getting stronger. I continue to think of you all often and hope you enjoyed a fun Halloween. Leslie

Eone Moore Beck said...