Thursday, November 04, 2010

5 Nov - Chemo Day

Sarah got another 80% abraxane treatment today. Her blood test results were again fairly good so we're hoping that the chemo is helping her. Sarah's doc said we should get scans after 6 treatments have been completed - so 2 more. But if her tumor markers continue to go down, he's thinking there really isn't a need to do a scan yet - although we want to know how things look in her liver, it makes sense since the results of the scan would be unlikely to change her treatment if markers are dropping.
We've got a busy weekend coming up with some activities for the boys and taking down the Halloween decorations... :) And we'll lay low some of the time, too. Since it's the fourth week in a row, it looks like the chemo is hitting Sarah a little harder this week - she got very tired after treatment today and crashed early tonight.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Seems like good news is coming again to the Lopez household. So glad the markers are coming down. We're getting our first freeze tonight, so I'm sure you are cold, too. Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!