Tuesday, April 19, 2011

19 Apr - She

This piece of art was created by Jennifer S in our neighborhood, inspired by Sarah and her/our journey. I was very surprised and grateful to receive it as a gift after Lesley & Todd D bought it at the F.A.B 5k fundraiser! It's very special & touching and I have it prominently placed in our living room now. Here are the words on it in case they are hard to read:

Why do some not enjoy Spring, The sky fights to push out the damp and cold. Wild wind pushes the warm scent across the plain so that summer is ushered in like a Mardi Gras parade.
She lives a classic life.
Reading pages within small passages of time.
She shines through her children, always there.
And I desperately love her, I love everything about her. I love her.
Paper cranes.

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