Wednesday, August 16, 2006

16 Aug - Whirlwind Week

Sarah just got this blanket, made by her online friend Carissa, and really likes it!

With Sarah's brother Thomas in town, and me scheduling 2 business trips this past weekend, it's been pretty hectic.
Sarah got her 1st treatment of Herceptin yesterday - with no apparent signs of side-effects. We're staying positive.
Sarah also had a CT scan done today (Wed) which will be used to verify that no add'l tumors have formed in her brain or other organs. We should get the results by the end of the week, or surely by next Tuesday. It's going to be tough to wait for these results...


blogauthor said...

I hope that you do not have to go alone tomorrow, please let us know how it goes - I'll email you my phone number, will you call me right after and I'll post for you? Love, Ami

Anonymous said...

We are hoping for the best news in the scans - keeping our fingers crossed
Jeff and Jennifer