Tuesday, August 22, 2006

22 Aug - Good news so far

Several updates - Sarah and I went in yesterday to start the radiation setup process. She'll go back in tomorrow and then start the actual radiation therapy to the right breast area on Thursday (every weekday for approx. 6 weeks). Sarah's less worried about feeling bad on radiation - most people feel it's not as bad as chemotherapy. She also got another Herceptin treatment today, which will continue weekly, and got more fluid aspirated from her mastectomy site. A lot less than last week, so maybe that's the last time.
We also got the results of Sarah's CT scan from last week. Mostly good news with one question mark: brain and all organs except the liver showed clear of any tumors and the lesions in Sarah's spine were stable. The liver showed some "hypodensities" which are often a result of chemotherapy, but they can't rule out early mets based on the CT scan alone. So , Sarah is going in for an MRI of her liver this Thursday which should help clarify whether we need to be worried.
Overall Sarah feels pretty good and we're watching her hair quickly grow back (see pic above). Despite the many doctor's visits, we're staying positive and active. I'm working hard on re-doing our stairs to the upper bedrooms which will make them much nicer looking & less squeeky, and Ben is excited about his first day of Kindergarten tomorrow! Meanwhile, Sam has learned how to open and-or climb over most of our baby gates and also how to get past the baby-proof door knob covers. So now he's got free run of the house and we've got to constantly keep an eye on where he is. Sam's turning in to quite a little firecracker. He watches his older brother very closely & learns some things from Ben that we would rather have left for later. :)


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear positive news. We'll keep our fingers crossed on the liver MRI.

We broke the baby gate going upstairs the other day. I found out very quickly that I needed to get that fixed! Toddlers are tough enough chasing around on one level of the house. :-)

Anonymous said...

I have been holding my breath and praying for good news! Sarah -- you look great! Love to you all,
Michelle H.