Monday, August 04, 2008

More good news!

Today I was in for treatment, and my oncologist handed me a copy of my blood work from last week .... My tumor markers have dropped down into the normal range!! CA 27.29, which topped out at 172.6 at the beginning of June, has dropped down to 14.9. Normal range for CA 27.29 is 0 - 38.6. Just two weeks prior, it was 53.9, so it has taken quite a nose dive! This correlates with the clean PET scan ... the numbers were just lagging behind a little. It's starting to sink in that, for the time being at least, I am NED (No Evidence of Disease). Wow!

I also tried to get a better understanding of the chemo plan from my doctor, and when I asked about taking a break to save the chemo for future use, he agreed that if the MRI next month looks good, I could take some time off of chemo and just continue on Herceptin (targeted therapy ... no side effects like chemo), Zolodex (ovarian suppression ... tolerable side effects) and Zometa (bone strengthener ... also no side effects for me). So 21 months after I got on this mets roller coaster, I might get to step off for at least a little while and take a breather. I *still* can't quite believe it!


Anonymous said...

I am just overwhelmed -- and thanking God for this miracle!!

Charles Snyder said...

This news is so good -- hooray!

Alice said...

I follow your blog after getting the link from Eone (I have a 11/00 child also) and was so happy to read of your good news. I will continue to pray for ongoing good results and that much-deserved chemo break!

Anonymous said...

WOw, wow, wow!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! This is an answer to so many prayers. I hope you're able to take a break from the drugs next month.

Paige and Trey

Anonymous said...

Sarah, I am overjoyed for you and your family. Celebrate, celebrate! hope to see you in houston in Nov. - Sharon

Anonymous said...

Sarah and Alan,
I am so thrilled to hear this news! You have come so far and deserve so much credit! My best to you and your family.

-Kathy H., Stu, and Claire

blogauthor said...


Anonymous said...

yeah...when are we going to celebrate?

Anonymous said...

Great news! :-)

Anonymous said...

YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!! I'm so happy for you guys! This is fantastic news! Suzanne