Saturday, June 12, 2010

11 June - Got a Dog

Well, we took the plunge and got a new dog. After meeting several dogs we settled on this guy - Ben didn't seem to have any allergy issues, he's cute and just the right size, and he seems sweet and playful with the kids. Here's a video of him. We decided to name him Satchmo, which is the nickname of Louis Armstrong the famous musician from Sarah's home town New Orleans! In a funny coincidence, Satchmo's birthday is the same as Sarah's - he is one year old today. :)

1 comment:

Amy Greenamyer said...

Dear Alan and Sarah,
I am laughing at myself because just judging on the title of the Blog "Got a Dog"; I thought that meant that Sarah felt well enough to buy and eat a Hot Dog for dinner! Which I thought would be a good thing! Until I read that you acutally added a Dog to your family. :) Silly, silly me....
so glad to see the recent pictures of Sarah. Keeping you all in my prayers.
God's Peace to you all.
Amy Greenamyer