Monday, July 05, 2010

5 July - Update

I took the boys (and Satchmo) to our Arlington Heights 4th of July parade today before heading out to the hospital. They had a great time and got plenty of loot/candy - and Satchmo even got some dog biscuit samples.
Sarah's doing the same as she was yesterday - my sleeping beauty. Despite her calcium coming down to 9.8 which is back in normal range, she is very drowsy and is eating very little. She woke up suddenly at 4am last night and out of the blue got sick. The docs adjusted some of her IV drugs today but other than that we're waiting to see if she can recover her appetite before deciding on any next steps to address how we can keep her nourished. And I'm pushing the oncs here to get her a dose of chemo - no word on that yet due to holiday staffing.

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