Wednesday, July 07, 2010

7 July - Sarah's Home!

Sarah perked up today - she is not as sleepy and is trying hard to eat more. We can't say exactly why she's doing better but it roughly lines up with her calcium level which is holding steady in normal range so far (9.7 today) after the series of calcitonin shots she got. Anyway, Sarah's oncologist figured that she can get her rest at home as easily as in the hospital so he sprung her out today. The key is keeping her hydrated and fed, but she has a strong incentive to keep up with it: not wanting to go back to the hospital right away! She's so relieved to be home where our family can be together and the bed is more comfortable. :)
Sarah will get chemo tomorrow, so we hope that can start to address the underlying cause of how she's been feeling. We'll be watching her calcium and other blood-test results from week to week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good! Always better to be at home!