Friday, August 27, 2010

27 Aug - No Chemo Again

Well, Sarah didn't get chemo again this Thursday. She is having intermittent fevers again and gets severe chill/shiver episodes every day or two that last up to 20 min. Doc believes she may have an infected bile duct stent so Sarah skipped chemo and is doing antibiotics again. If the fevers don't get better then we'll probably make another attempt to replace her stent in the coming week. Her potassium also took a nose dive this week so we're spending friday evening at the hospital getting her a potassium infusion. Right now we're waiting on her blood test results to see if I can take her home tonight. If not, she'll have to stay the night and get another infusion, but we expect her stay in the hospital to be under 24 hrs.
Sarah's overall state of feeling bad is still hard to explain, especially given the good blood test results she just got earlier this week: her tumor markers are down and liver function tests came back looking pretty good. But she feels like somehow her body isn't regulating stuff very well like body temp and some body chemistry (calcium, potassium).
On the nanny front, we were sad to see our nanny go but have been fortunate to quickly find someone to take over. She starts in two weeks, right when my parents head back to San Antonio.

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