Saturday, August 28, 2010

28 Aug - Staying in Hospital

Well, Sarah kind of got "stuck" in the hospital again. But we both think it's good that she's here in terms of getting the care that she needs. Her potassium is stubbornly refusing to go above 3.0 (3.5 is actually the low end of normal). She's getting her third bag of IV potassium and even took some orally last night. The docs took her off antibiotics in order to try and stabilize her potassium levels first, and in the mean time they are taking some stool and blood cultures to check for signs of infection. Sarah feels more or less ok - just waiting for the tests and IV fluids. The GI doc also has recommended that she go ahead and get her bile duct stent replaced while she's here in the hospital. That would be either Monday or Tuesday, so if that happens then I'd estimate she'll be here through Tues or Wed - longer than the "23hr admission" we were expecting yesterday!


Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah, I am sorry to hear you are in the hospital. Hope a new stint helps you to feel better. Sitting here w L and thinking about you. Take care- Sharon

Eone Moore Beck said...

Thinking of you, Sarah! I am coming to Chicago to see you and to run the Urbanathlon in October. Can't wait to give you a hug. Love, Eone

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