Monday, July 10, 2006

10 July - Second Opinion

Switching to a new format so less scrolling is needed to view entries. Here's a picture of Sarah and Sam taking in the Soccer World Cup final on Sunday. Was a long game, so neither saw the penalty kick finale... Sam went down for his nap & Sarah ended up napping, as well! Sarah's nausea is finally tapered after 7 days - this 3rd chemo was a doozy for side-effects.

Well, the trip downtown to Rush University Hospital Cancer Center to get a second opinion went fine. Although the doctor had a few new thoughts for us, her opinion (along with the ones from doctors at Duke and Johns Hopkins) have lead us to the overall conclusion that we seem to be getting excellent medical care for Sarah under her current oncologist. And, the treatment plan she's on seems like the best we can do based on the latest studies and standards of care. So, she'll do a mastectomy probably after one more round of chemo and then begin a long term treatment with Herceptin (slows/inhibits tumor growth), Zometa (bone strengthener) and maybe low-dose Taxol (chemo agent) to keep the bone metastasis at bay. Still no way to know what the future holds, but we remain positive & hopeful and look forward to many more years as a family together. We're very thankful for all the prayers & please keep 'em coming!

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