Monday, December 11, 2006

11 Dec

It's been hectic over the past week and we haven't been taking any pictures, so just a text update today.
I went to Dallas last Wed for a business trip and then Sarah headed down to New Orleans on Thursday night to help Thomas and Elizabeth sort through the things in her father's house. The boys and I have managed ok, but we miss Mommy and can't wait for her return Monday morning!
I did get a few honey-do items off the list and also got a Christmas tree set up - will probably decorate it next weekend.
Sarah's doing well overall, but every ache & pain raises nagging doubts over what is causing it. She's also got mild anemia which makes her tired in the evenings. The doc caught on to that through a weekly blood sample and gave her a shot to boost her red blood cell counts & that will help.
We've got a tense week ahead of us - Sarah gets another CAT scan on Tues and we'll get the results on Thurs during her weekly treatment visit. She'll also be getting her first shot to chemically induce menopause, which will lower her estrogen levels. Since chemical shutdown is pretty sudden, it's usually accompanied by fairly strong hot flashes and other menopause symptoms. With all this going on, we'll have to try a bit harder this year to focus on the spirit of Christmas - and it seems we have more reason than ever before to look to God and each other for comfort and joy. When I remember last Christmas, it's like we were living in a different world. We had no idea how precious life is - every day we have together is a gift.

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