Friday, December 22, 2006

21 Dec - Bad News - Back on the Roller Coaster

Well, we expected that the MRI wasn't all clear when we didn't hear from Sarah's doc before her appt today, but the reality still hit us pretty hard this morning when we learned the results. First of all, her spine is getting better. Some lesions have gotten smaller and others are no longer there. But, the cancer has spread to her liver. There are quite a few growths throughout - MRI shows at least 24.
Since Sarah's current treatment is not fully inhibiting tumor growth, she's now doing chemotherapy again & got her first treatment right away today. She will continue taking Herceptin weekly, but together with the chemo drug Navelbine. Side effects are not as bad as others - should be no nausea or hair loss - and it is thought to target liver mets well. Her next scan will be after 8 weeks of treatment to determine whether it is working as hoped.
Obviously this is very serious and we're worried - it's critical that we find a chemo drug that can clean up her liver mets and prevent spread to other organs. It will be very difficult to wait these eight weeks not knowing whether things are getting better or worse. Because of the fairly rapid growth pattern of Sarah's cancer, the stakes are very high.
We need all the positive thoughts and prayers we can get. Courage and love are key watchwords for us now as we face great uncertainty. I saw a card posted in the chemotherapy room today (fuzzy pic above) and it touched me so I thought I'd share it:

What Cancer Cannot Do
It cannot cripple Love
It cannot shatter Faith
It cannot corrode Hope
It cannot destroy Peace
It cannot kill Friendship
It cannot suppress Memories
It cannot silence Courage
It cannot steal Eternal Life
It cannot conquer the Spirit

There's only one very special Christmas gift I want this year, but I won't know until February if my wish has been granted.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear this news, my heart is with your family this holiday. Sarah is such a strong person, with such a great attitude. These are the things that matter in beating this terrible disease. All my wishes for the chemo to work and to clear her liver. Love and support to you all - Sharon

Anonymous said...

You certainly will be in our thoughts and prayers. I was very disappointed when I saw the update this morning. As you said, it's a roller coaster. We'll continue to pray that the update in February is an all-time high! :-)

Anonymous said...

Alan and Sarah,

I just got my mom's ancient dial- up connection to work and the first page she wanted to visit was your blog. We're so sorry to hear about the setback. Please know that you are in all of our thoughts and prayers everyday but especially during the holidays. My mom is going to light a candle at the church for Sarah tonight.

Please keep us all posted on how things are progressing. I've setup mom with a yahoo account so you can add her to your list. She was pretty upset when we read your latest post. Please give our best to everyone. We love you guys.

Mom's e-mail is:

Anonymous said...

Alan - cousin Barbara just called me with the terrible news. After Gene's death, I am so sorry that Sarah has to face this. I just wanted you both to know that the other side of the McEachin family will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. We send you Big Hugs and Kisses, and please keep us posted. Much love, Cathy McEachin, et al (

Anonymous said...

Sarah and Alan,
We were so devastated to hear about this occurence. You are all in our thoughts and prayers! Sarah, I am putting you on the prayer group at our church.
We send you all our love and healing energy!!
Marcie, Daren, & Gabby

Anonymous said...

Sarah, Alan - we're thinking of you and hoping the new drug combo will clear everything up. Keep up the positive thoughts and best wishes for the new year