Well, this week was a busy one. I was away on business until Wed night, then Sarah had treatment on Thursday. Actually, we were surprised (and glad) that her white blood cells were high enough to get a fourth Navelbine chemo treatment. Unfortunately, she's now come down with some bug but it doesn't seem too bad - scratchy throat but no fever.
Ben and I had a great time today at a new local water park. The event was organized by the Indian Guides group that we're part of.
Alan and Sarah- We hold you in our thoughts and prayers. The boys are beautiful and we are happy that their Christmas was filled with joy. We are all fine. Christmas was great and we hope to hear from you all soon.
Aunt Minnie
Hope you feel better soon Sarah, colds are no fun. We're feeling really sorry for ourselves as it is rainy and cold here in TX - schedule to go down to 28. I know, crocodile tears on your end!
Lieber Alan, liebe Sarah, wir betrachten gerade das nette Foto von Onkel Thomas mit Sam und freuen uns darüber. Wir denken an Euch! Wir hoffen und wünschen sehr, dass Sarahs Behandlung bald gute Erfolge bringt.
Ganz herzliche Grüße von Deinen ehemaligen Nachbarn in Stein Christa und Manfred Wirth
Hang in there, guys! We keep checking in and are glad to hea of progress. Colds stink -- sorry you have to deal with that too. Everyone here is fine, and there is not too much to report ... just know you're constantly in my prayers
jen Schildge
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