Thursday, January 25, 2007

25 Jan - MRI date set

I went on a quick one-day trip to Boston today while Sarah got her treatment (she was able to get another Navelbine chemo treatment!) She also scheduled her MRI scan with her onc since she's received six treatments which should be enough to assess tumor response to the Navelbine. She'll get the scan on Monday and we'll get the results on Thursday. So, next week is going to be tough as we wait for these important results... If the liver lesions have not grown, then we'll continue with the current Herceptin+Navelbine treatements, but if they have grown then we need to try something else right away.
I don't really have a gut feel on how this will go. Sarah and I are both cautiously hopeful - hoping for good news, but very aware that bad news is a real possibility. We've made too many trips to her onc's office which ended in bad news already. We need a good one to turn the tide here! It's gonna be hard to wait.


Anonymous said...

We'll say a prayer!

Marcie said...

I have silent unity(DAILY WORD)
praying for you!
We are hoping for great news.
Go COLTS and Tony Dungy:)

Anonymous said...

It is definitely your turn for good news. I'm anxiously pulling for the best.