Saturday, January 06, 2007

5 Jan

Sarah's blood cell counts were high enough to get her third Navelbine chemo this Thursday, but her white cells are trending down, so we think she'll have to skip next week. Her onc discussed Sarah's treatment with the doctor we consulted at Rush University hospital and both agreed she should get a FISH test to verify her cancer's Her2/Neu receptor status - it's a pathology test that can be run on the tumor tissue sample taken during her mastectomy. The results of this test will help determine what the next steps are if Navelbine isn't effective.
Sam and Ben are fine, but have had a bit of trouble getting back in to the routine of school. Still hard to get them out of bed in the mornings! Of course they have lots of fun once the get to school, but they really liked our sleeping later schedule over the holidays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah:

Just wanted to say hello and let you know we are checking all the time on your progress via this blog. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Keep your spirits up and know that you have lots of good thoughts around you.

Love, The Swedbergs in Texas