Thursday, March 29, 2007

Brain MRI - Good news & Bad news

I got the results today from the Brain MRI I had done last week. I haven't had any symptoms, so I was hoping to hear it was a clean scan and get some peace of mind. The good news is that the MRI didn't detect any metastases to my brain ... whew! But my oncologist said it did show a small spot on my pituitary gland, which he says is not malignant. I've done a bit of googling today, and what I've found is that most pituitary adenomas (tumors) are benign. My oncologist said it would highly unusual for breast cancer to metastasize to the pituitary gland, so I feel confident that this is not cancer. I will have a follow-up MRI of my pituitary gland tomorrow and then I will be referred to either an endocrinologist or a radiation oncologist. My oncologist said it was serendipitous that we found this. Most people discover pituitary tumors because they either have headaches or vision problems from the tumor pressing on their optic nerve or hormone problems, as many pituitary tumors secrete one or more of the hormones controlled by the pituitary gland. So, even though this is one more thing that I have to deal with (and I feel like I've got more than enough on my plate at the moment!), I think I can consider myself lucky to have found it early. And I hope that means it will be easy to treat, but I'll find out more about that after I have some more tests run. Alan has been out of town the past three days on a business trip and was unable to be with me at my appointment today, so I'm attempting my first post to the blog. Don't worry ... he (and his much more eloquent posts) will return!


SuperSusy said...

Well I love YOUR posts too Sarah! I am glad you got it early too. It will be OK. Focus on the more important things on your "plate." Have a good weekend with the boys. :) Love ya mucho,

Anonymous said...

Well the good news is good and the bad news is not too bad, as you say. Thank goodness. I wonder if we all had MRIs how many things we might find? I hope the pituitary tumor turns out to be a very minor problem so you can focus on all the big things you are dealing with. Thinking about you a lot!

Anonymous said...

Your post was great, Sarah, and the news even better. I hope these good reports keep on coming!
I love you, Aunt Claire

Anonymous said...

Sarah your post was just fine. The bad news was not too bad. The good news was great news in our minds. Just stay positive. Hope to see you guys soon. Love, The McMahons.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that the cancer has not spread - sorry you have to handle another issue. I'm so moved by your positive attitude - it is the greatest. I'm thinking of coming to Chicago in the next 3 months, and would love to see you guys again. - Love, Sharon