Thursday, November 19, 2009

19 Nov - Update

Well, not much new to report today. I talked to Sarah this morning and her brother Thomas as well as Rev. M.E. Eccles from our church visited her today. She's able to talk and visit with people but she's definitely got nausea and a strong "not well" feeling and is stuck in the hospital until we can figure out why she can't eat. The docs don't think this is straightforward pancreatitis because her Lipase numbers are not elevated but the CT does show swelling of the pancreas. There's talk of a biopsy, but bc mets to the pancreas are very rare. We're going to have to see what further tests reveal before we know what the next steps are or how this can be treated. In the mean time she's not able to eat even the clear liquid diet that she's supposed to be on...

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