Monday, November 23, 2009

23 Nov - Update

Sarah's feeling a bit better today. Either the Cortisol booster shots or the Reglan (I think more likely the cortisol) has improved her tolerance for food and she's moved up from clear liquid diet to regular liquid diet. Still on TPN, though. Did more tests for the Thyroid so the endo doc knows exactly how to get Sarah's numbers back where they need to be. On the cause side, it seems there are several "spots" at her pituitary but there's not a consensus on whether they are bc mets and whether they are operable. Sarah plans to consult with her primary onc and the brain surgeon she's been seeing to determine what the right course of action is. We're hoping either that it is operable or that she'll be fine without an operation. If she will not be fine then radio-surgery or radiation could be the way forward. Lots of unknowns at this point, but now that the docs have a better idea of what's wrong and she is getting the endocronology treatments she is finally starting to feel better.

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